Friday 12 May 2017

Changes afoot...

Last time I wrote in this blog was a good while ago, and the reason I stopped is because I had less to say about chillies and more to say about vegetable gardening in general.
So after a long time mulling it over, the decision has been made. The blog has been refocused. I'm now writing a veg gardening blog. Which includes chillies, naturally.

Much has progressed in the garden. I now have two greenhouses although one was nearly destroyed in winds this year, it's really a glorified tent but it does the job, or has done for two seasons anyway. I also have raised beds outdoors - yes - finally I've embraced the idea of growing plants outside. More on that later.

A few things to document today though - a grey and very wet day, but a chance to go through a couple of this years' promising plants..

If you can't figure out what these are - you are not alone. Kohl Rabi! They look (or should look) like some crazy evolution of pokemon Still waiting for that, the stem needs to swell. They're sort of radishy things.

The grafted "mini stars" cucumbers from suttons seeds always comes out first in the cucumber world. I always pick a couple up because the yield is amazing. 

Carrots. Never grown before. Well, not successfully anyway. 

That's enough for now anyway. Peas and beans later, and tomatoes I suppose. And an interesting tale about overwintering chillies!

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