Sunday 14 May 2017

A day of potting up

 Today being one of those days where it's sunny enough to get stuff done, and a Sunday. Most of the day was spent potting up. Namely cucumbers, tomatoes, chillies (a couple of last year's overwintered chillies are now in enormous pots!), I think that's about it for potting up.

In other news...First up! A very cheeky bird I'm told is a Jay, no less than 2 feet away, I've not seen these before in the garden although I'm also told they're common. Normally we just get those annoying pigeons...

Broad beans, I'm being ultra lazy with them this year, I'm just growing them through a shelf from greenhouse staging. Will it provide enough support? Probably! 

Coriander has sprouted in the greenhouse, I was worried it might not due to low temperatures, but it looks just fine! 

Random fish photo. They have grown over winter. 

Now, carrot problem. I always have these problems with seeds but these were plants I bought as seedlings. There's too many of them too close together. Separating them made all manner of ripping sounds, we'll have to see how it goes. 

 I replanted the separated surplus ones in this bed below...just to left of centre if you can see - they don't look happy at all. I guess we'll have to see. I'm not that bothered. I've never had much success with carrots. 

The peas in this bed are doing well though, looking messy but I think they'll work out OK. They're mostly of the sugar snap / mange tout type so we should be seeing harvests soon! 

This year is definitely the year of the pea. This bed was actually acquired from IKEA and it's a bit shallow for me, but it seems to be working fine for peas and beans so far. I don't think it has particularly good drainage though, it has a solid base. 

Final note for today: Garden centres amuse me. The larger a plant grows, the lower the price. I suppose space is a premium but this was a win for me. I'm somewhat apathetic about where or how I get plants with regard to growing vs buying plants. I always grow tomatoes and cucumbers from seed myself, but if I see some I like, especially grafted ones, I will pick them up. Grafted plants are definitely for another episode though. Because that's a whole different can o' worms..

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