Friday 14 March 2014

The Thrip-inator (or, how to adapt a vacuum cleaner hose to pick up bugs on chilli peppers)

Thrips are fast! I've been picking them off by hand for the last 3 days or so. So, I thought, well, you tap the leaves, they fall off, so they're not clinging on that well - right??


Basic idea

Adapt a vacuum cleaner to be able to suck thrips off a leaf with a reasonable efficacy and without [significant] damage to the plants and/or buds and/or flowers.


Important features are:
Lower suction - we want to remove the bugs, not the leaves or the soil!
Catch the bugs - A nice way to see what we've caught afterwards

 An initial diagram evolved to cover those two bases.

Initial Tests

First, I need to see how much suction is too much suction.
My vacuum cleaner is awesome. It has a dial that you can use to reduce the speed of the motor and hence the suction power, this is intended for curtains more than thrips, but, we make do...
Fashioning a head seemed easier with a soap bottle than with a coke bottle, with the added bonus that during tests, some soap might get onto the plants and kill a thrip or two - you can hope!

Here it is - the thrip-inator v0.1

And here's a vid of it in action:

Will it work? Not sure. I couldn't find a single thrip during this morning's rounds...

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